I struggle with CAS style cards, but keep trying to perfect the skill. Maureen has a fabulous inspiration card - see smaller photo - that we were to CASE for the SCS challenge today. The DP, button and lace trim are all from Flourishes April 1-2-3 Create Kit - Primo Botanical and I love the colors! The base CS is Fine Linen by PTI...a color that I forgot I even had! Sad, isn't it, when you have so much stuff that you can't remember what you've got! Anyway, I LOVE this new fern die from Spellbinders' Foliage set! I chomped the corners and used the Seeing Spots EF along the bottom of the card. I love having blank sentiment cards on hand so I can add whatever I need on the inside as the occasion pops up. It's good to see the sun out today after a bad weather w/e. We had a tornado touch down about 5 miles from our house on Saturday and there were lots of trees downed by the 95 mph wind! We had 2 drowning victims in our town - people who ignored a barricade and slipped into the rushing water. So sad, but a reminder that seemingly shallow waters can be dangerous with a strong current. Happy Monday to all!
Well done on the case and I'm loving that fern. Glad to hear you are safe and sound too!
You did an awesome job on caseing this card.. I LOVE that die. It is a great one. I may have to invest..We had tornadoes here in NC too. Luckily they were east of us.. So sad. Glad it did not come near you..
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