Friday, June 14, 2024

Just Us Girls


TGIF! I'm entering this birthday card into the Just Us Girls challenge where it is "word week" and the word is CELEBRATE. I was recently asked by a friend to design a card for a boy who was turning 16 and this is what I created.

I layered up a couple of tags to use as the focal point. I love to personalize a card in some way, so here I added the #16. The balloon was white embossed then watercolored with Twisted Citron distress ink.

STAMPS: Scribble Balloons, Cake Creations (Papertrey Ink).
INK: Pure Poppy; Versamark; Versafine Clair Nocturne; Twisted Citron distress.
PAPER: Surprise! Collection 6x6 pad by BoBunny; Pure Poppy, Stampers Select White, Green Parakeet (PTI).
DIES: Banner Builders: Basics, Charming Tags, Cake Creations, Scribble Balloons (PTI); Stitched Rectangle STAX Die-Namics (My Favorite Things); Master Layouts 08 (Gina K Designs).
OTHER: White embossing powder, Red/white thread.

That's it for today. It will be more visits to the hospital this weekend post stem cell transplant for my husband who is fighting multiple myeloma. He is doing very well with only minimal side answer to lots of prayers for him! Have a blessed weekend!  ~Wanda


Carol said...

This is a very happy birthday tag! Love the bright colors and the way you personalized it with 16 and the balloon embossed in white! I'm sure the birthday boy will like it a lot! Thanks for playing along with us at Just Us Girls!

Bobby said...

Very colorful card, Wanda, and definitely good for a boy. I'm sure he'll love it. Thanks for sharing it with us at Just Us Girls.

Lisa Elton said...

This is filled with fun, Wanda! I like your mix of patterns and layers. Thanks for joining us at Just Us Girls!