Summer is winding to a close and there's a hint of fall coming (shorter days for one), so I'd love to hear of a special summer memory you might have from this season. You don't have to become a follower, though I'd love to have you do so only if you're inspired by my work. Deadline for the giveaway will be August 31 up until midnight EST. I'll announce the winner on September 1. Good luck!

Ohhhh how lovely , those papers are scrummy, my special summer memory I have had a few, when my precious Grandaughter comes to stay and is able to play out in the garden where we have brought her a cute swing and slide and of course she loves playing ball - she was pretty poorly in her first year of life so to see her coming on leaps and bounds is a godsend
Love Jan
I love My Minds Eye papers also. Thanks for the chance to win them!
Just saw this on my dashboard! Great giveaway, Wanda! You sound like my sister... she is always buying something she already has and I get the duplicate. Yea for me!! :-)
I have a special memory that was just caused by a sadness. I sing in a community praise and worship choir. Our leader just passed away after having heart surgery and the members are devasted. The special memory I will always have is how he led us in concert with soloist and recording artist, Ivan Parker. This was at the end of July during the Handy Festival in our city (a yrly. event) and I am so glad he was still with us. We sang with Ivan once before and we were so jazzed up about this last concert. Our director left us with many wonderful memories and will be missed greatly but I will always remember him at this concert and how he led us in this wonderful time of praise and worship through song. He enjoyed it greatly.
I just love MME too!! Pick me, Pick me LOL! So many wonderful summer memories this year don't know if I can pick just one! Some of the top ones include: our elongated ahem, "mountain climb hike" while camping, great visit to Fort Edmonton, seeing family and friends on our vacation in Alberta, seeing my son actually burned out by my BIL (he got an award for that one!) and some wonderful family times together. Thanks for the chance to win (((Hugs))) and glad eBay was able to help you out :)
Wanda, what a sweet giveaway! My memory from this summer will be the weekend all my kids, who are scattered everywhere, got together with us in Virginia! :)
I too love MME patterned paper and have also ordered the same things twice more than once, LOL! You'd think I'd have learned that lesson by now. I'm already a follower, love your creations. My special summer memory is actually from just the last couple of weekends. My husband's oldest sibling is home from Germany and I've had an amazing couple of weeks getting to know my sister-in-law and niece whom I only get to see every 3-4 years. They leave again this weekend and I know I'll miss them terribly but am cherishing every moment I'm able to spend with them while they are here. I love listening to them talk about the cultural differences and have grown a lot in just these couple of weeks.
Hugs, Karen
What a fantastic giveaway Wanda! One of my favorite summer memories was a few years ago when we were living in Georgia. We were sitting out on the porch as evening was setting in and all of a sudden we saw fireflies. My kids had never seen them before,(we had them here in Florida when was a kid, but there are none any more) They had so much fun catching them in jars, and of course we let them go. And down at the end of our road was a huge open field, it was full of fireflies, it was an amazing sight. I miss it up there. :(
Oh Wanda...how generous! I will certainly remember my vacation a couple of weeks ago...taking my son to college next week and it was so much fun to have him and his friends along with us before he leaves.
Hi Wanda. My memory this summer: For many years I have wanted to make a grandkids room out of an unused attic. This year, within one single week, I got it done! Walls, ceiling, painting, carpeting, furniture, bedding, the works!! Bedrooms for 2 at a time! The grands have ALL been able to come and spend time with Grammy and Grampy with the exception of Nate, who is 17 today. He will be here from the 28th to the 31st. Hooray!! My mother, who is soon to be 89 now lives with us, and having a place for her, and the grands, has made this the BEST summer ever!!!
What a wonderfully sweet giveaway. Let's see I think the best memory I have is bittersweet. My FIL died (ex)but it gave me a chance to spend wonderful times with my in laws family as well as have all my children together here with all the grandkids. One daughter came from Georgia. Everyone had a wonderful time reminiscing and visiting.
Love to win this beautiful paper! Keeping my fingers crossed. LOL. Thanks for being so sweet & generous.
Lot of summer memories - hard to pick just one. My sister and baby niece came to visit. It was sweet to see her daughter with my daughters. Hope we have more summers like this. Blessings.
Oh I would love all this paper! Thanks for the opportunity! I will remember this summer as another fabulous one in Arizona only THIS year I got to enjoy my pool!! :)
I'm a sucker for DP too...LOL! Thanks for sharing with us! You rock sistah! Hugs ~S~
Ooops, forgot to tell you that I had to work all sumer...sniff! No special memories :( ~S~
OMGosh!! I have company in the absent minded world! lol! Those papers are awesome!!
Mmmmmm gorgeous papers indeed Wanda! My favourite summer memory is always being able to eat as much ice cream as I want. Especially gelato! Because ya know, you cant eat it in the winter, so you need to eat it during the summer! LOL
My favourite all time flavour is mocha almond fudge. Yummmy!
Ooooh, I love My Mind's Eye DP! I was just at Archiver's last week and they didn't have any of these pads...they're lovely!
My favorite summer memories from this summer would have to be geocaching with the kids...the fun of the hunt and the thrill of finding the "prize" make for fun outings! Probably one of the most memorable was when DD and I were out and we found the cache...we were in the woods and heard somebody coming, so we hid under a bridge. I saw them before they saw us...it was a group of young men. I was afraid at first, but felt better when they saw us and asked if we had found the cache too. It turns out they were a punk rock band in town to play a gig. We chatted with them a bit and took some fun pictures. As we were walking back to the car, DD tells me she was afraid of them at first...I admitted to her that I was too! LOL I hadn't wanted her to know that I had panicked at first, after all I'm the Mom and my job is to keep her safe and everything under control!
Although I like fall, I am sad to see the signs because we really didn't have much of a summer here....
Wow - that's beautiful paper, what a nice prize! One of my favorite summer memories - when my oldest daughter was 3 we were on vacation and told her we were going to take her to the kiddie pool. A few minutes later she asks "Just where is that kitty cat pool Mommy?" She's almost 8 now - it goes so fast!
This a super sweet giveaway. Thanks for a chance to win, I am visiting from Moxie Fab World, love your entry there. My favorite memory from this summer hands down is this one from the summer camp out we did with my son's Cub Scout Pack. We got to go down zip lines over the river and land, it was the first time for our family doing something like this, my son was the first to go, he was a little scare but really wanted to do it, he was secured with hardness and all but he thought that he really had to hold to the rope to not fall, as he zips down and is about half way thruough the line he yells I AM SLIPPING!!!! it was so cute and funny. His little sister on the other hand didn't hold the rope at all but went down with open arms as if she was flying, gligling and smiling. I went down the zip line too and there no way I was letting go of the rope. We are so happy that we got it all on video.
Whoa... Love MME myself!!! You're too funny with you over purchasing!!! Don't pick Marissa, pick me, pick me, LOL!!! This summer has been a little wild for me so, it's really hard to have a summer memory per see!! Maybe new hardwood floors, picking out wedding things, making wedding invitations, my anniversary???
Woooo Hooo!! What great blog candy. One of my special memories from this summer was getting to attend Papertrey's Stamp-a-Faire event. It was so much fun. The best part was meeting so many online friends.
No, pick me, pick me :) Seriously, Wanda, how generous is this!!! You rock! Hmmm, this summer has flown by. I think my favorite memories are taking my kids to the beach and watching them play in the sand together! So peaceful to see their little heads together!!! Well, for about 5 minutes until one messed up the other's castle - LOL!! Wonderful memories none the less!!! Thanks for the chance to win :)
What fabulous blog candy! Surely winning this would top my summer memories. I'm still looking forward to a family vacation so my favorite summer memory to date was walking on the Jones Beach boardwalk one Saturday night and stopping to play shuffle board. Good old-fashioned fun! Thanks again for the chance.
Thanks for this opportunity Wanda..so very generous of you!!! Love your site and your art work is always inspiring, thanks for sharing. Best summer Memory is having our Grandson Jake come and help us ..he had made us have alot of laughs...
Gorgeous blog candy! ;)
My youngest daughter and I started the "blackberry walk" this summer...with a walk/blackberry gathering around our property almost every day. I've so enjoyed strolling with my daughter and experiencing the "outdoors" with her..she's very adventurous and has so much to show me. ;)
Your cards are very pretty! Thanks for being generous with your goof.
What a fantastic candy! I love the paper.
I would also like to thank you for all the inspiration you give me with your gorgeous cards.
Happy crafting!
Hugs, Myriam
Spending time crafting with my two daughters (7 and 3) is always a lot of fun. One event I am so proud of, watching my 3 year old learn how to swim!!!
hey Wanda, I am not sure how I missed this earlier...I don't have those packs...hehehehe....the memory I will not forget is of course Gary's accident....what a scary and yet blessed memory. I must also say that having so much time off from work has been the best-est..lol...you know I want to be a stay at home wife...lol..thanks for the chance to win!
enjoy *~*
I've never purchased this size paper...but I guess it is perfect for cards! Duh! Never thought of that, since I scrapbook so much.
We've had a wonderful summer...lots of time with the kids and grandkids. I was so excited that two of our grandsons (age 6) and one of our granddaughters (age 5) learned to swim this summer. AND....we're starting to get excited about our new grandson who's due in about 8 weeks....time for the baby showers to begin! Knowing "what" you're having (or in this case what my DIL is having) make you feel connected to the baby and calling him by name months before his appearance! Pierce will be a wonderful addition to our very large family! Our home is a wild and crazy place sometimes! LOL!!
Hi Wanda!! My favorite Summer memory will be of my son's first swimming lessons. He thought he was the coolest dude EVER! All you could hear from the side of the pool was this little voice yelling "Hey mommy. Look at me!" and every time the teacher would take him to swim he would squeal like a little piggy! It was hilarious!!
Hope you weather hurricane Irene my friend! I'm in Minnesota watching it on the news as I'm writing this comment! My prayers go out to you and your loved ones! Hugs, Karen
5 pads of mme paper-awesome-my 2011 summer memory is spending 2 weeks in san francisco with my precious phoenix daisy and having our first tea party together-
OOH, YUMMY! What a great giveaway, woman! My favorite memory from this summer was the week we spent in the Smoky Mountains. I was so proud of my kiddos for going on such long hikes and really enjoying nature. We had such a wonderful time and we were able to share it with Barry's mom and stepdad who I adore!
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