
Monday, April 24, 2017

Spring Citrus

After a full day of nothing but rain, I was happy to join in with the Sunday Stamps Challenge to bring in some sunshiny colors to my stamp room! I played with some new toys - my Zig Clean Color Real Brush Pens and the Cutaway Tags: Spring stamp set and matching die by Papertrey Ink.

I'm also joining in the CAS(E) This Sketch challenge by using their great layout. I thought the colors would pop more if I "lined" the die with black paper.  There seems to be a never ending demand for birthday cards this time of year, so once again, I chose a sentiment for that reason.

I took the time to print off the color charts posted by Jennifer McGuire (they are in the link on her video post HERE).  They are a huge help when going to choose Zig colors for a project!
Thanks for stopping by...


  1. This is beautiful, Wanda! Wonderful take on the sketch!

  2. Oh Wanda
    so clever combine the challenge
    love the used of our color challenge
    sweeet flowers I LOVE!
    Many thanks for joining us at Sunday Stamps this time
